海 外 配 送 服 務


  • 本網站提供海外配送方式。 註:因疫情緣故,海外的免運門檻有所調整,詳細請私訊客服人員。 原則上以順豐快遞郵局國際包裹(EMS) 兩方式配送(但如遇航空配送不接收保養品配送時,恕改為水運配送),但部分商品則不提供海外寄送服務(請見個商品詳細描述)。如網站海外配送服務暫停,請直接以facebook粉絲專頁私訊方式、或LINE方式直接與客服人員訂購。

SERLANDO provides FREE international shipping. The FREE shipping price will be different due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please message us to help you place the order, thanks for understand.

Basically the forwarder will be SF Express and Post Office International Parcels (please understand that sea shipment happens when the care products are not accepted by air shipment); partial products do not provide overseas shipping (please check separate product description). In case the website suspended the overseas order, please directly purchase our items by FACEBOOK PM or LINE.


  • 如有國外大量採購需求,歡迎透過 service@serlando.com 與我們連繫,並將所需產品及數量告知,我們將由專人為您服務,感謝所有會員支持。

For the great amount order, we have another special window for you. Please leave your full information and purchasing order, contact us by service@serlando.com , thanks for the support.


  • 海外訂購服務,約 7~14天 工作天即可收到。註:因疫情緣故,海外配送的時間會因地區有所不同。

Estimate 7~14 working days to get your overseas goods.




Tracking your parcel: https://www.trackingmore.com/tw.html